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汉语语法第五讲:名量词 (Míng Liàngcí) – Measure Words

语法 5个月前 (05-16) 浏览 137

Measure words, or “classifiers,” are an essential part of Chinese grammar. They are used to indicate the type or category of a noun and help specify its quantity. Here’s a breakdown of some common measure words:

  1. 个 (gè), 名 (míng):

个 (gè): The most common measure word, used for singular, countable objects.


一个苹果 (yī gè píngguǒ) – one apple

三个学生 (sān gè xuésheng) – three students

名 (míng): Used for people, often in a formal context.


十名老师 (shí míng lǎoshī) – ten teachers

  1. 件 (jiàn), 条 (tiáo), 双 (shuāng), 块 (kuài), 张 (zhāng), 斤 (jīn):

件 (jiàn): Used for clothing, articles, or events.


两件衣服 (liǎng jiàn yīfu) – two pieces of clothing

三件大事 (sān jiàn dàshì) – three important events

条 (tiáo): Used for long, thin objects, such as:

鱼 (yú) – fish

裤子 (kùzi) – trousers

街道 (jiēdào) – street


一条鱼 (yī tiáo yú) – one fish

三条裤子 (sān tiáo kùzi) – three trousers

双 (shuāng): Used for pairs of things.


两双鞋 (liǎng shuāng xié) – two pairs of shoes

一双筷子 (yī shuāng kuàizi) – one pair of chopsticks

块 (kuài): Used for flat, solid objects, such as:

蛋糕 (dàngāo) – cake

石头 (shítou) – stone

钱 (qián) – money (in some cases)


一块蛋糕 (yī kuài dàngāo) – one piece of cake

三块石头 (sān kuài shítou) – three stones

张 (zhāng): Used for flat, thin objects, such as:

纸 (zhǐ) – paper

桌子 (zhuōzi) – table

照片 (zhàopiàn) – photo


一张纸 (yī zhāng zhǐ) – one sheet of paper

两张桌子 (liǎng zhāng zhuōzi) – two tables

斤 (jīn): Used for weight, often for meat or vegetables.


一斤肉 (yī jīn ròu) – one jin of meat

三斤白菜 (sān jīn báicài) – three jin of Chinese cabbage

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