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汉语语法第三十三讲:“把”字句 (Bǎ Zìjù) – “Bǎ” Sentences

语法 4个月前 (06-13) 浏览 65
  1. 主语 + 把 + 名词 + 动词 + 到/在 + 地方 (Subject + Bǎ + Noun + Verb + Dào/Zài + Place):

This structure indicates that the subject performs an action that moves or places the object to a specific location.


他把书放到桌子上 (tā bǎ shū fàng dào zhuōzi shàng) – He put the book on the table.

我把钥匙放在口袋里 (wǒ bǎ yàoshi fàng zài kǒudài lǐ) – I put the key in my pocket.

我把书包放在桌子上。(Wǒ bǎ shūbāo fàng zài zhuōzi shàng.)

妈妈把衣服挂在衣架上。(Māma bǎ yīfu guà zài yījiàshàng.)

老师把试卷分发给学生。(Lǎoshī bǎ shìjuàn fēnfā gěi xuésheng.)

张三把自行车停在车库里。(Zhāngsān bǎ zìxíngchē tíng zài chēgùlǐ.)

小明把垃圾扔到垃圾桶里。(Xiǎomíng bǎ lājī rēng dào lājītǒng lǐ.)

工人把砖块搬到工地上。(Gōngrén bǎ zhuānkuài bān dào gōngdì shàng.)

店员把商品摆在货架上。(Diànyuán bǎ shāngpǐn bǎi zài huòjià shàng.)

我把孩子接到家里。(Wǒ bǎ háizi jiē dào jiālǐ.)

警察把小偷押送到警察局。(Jǐngchá bǎ xiǎotōu yāsòng dào jǐngchájú.)

李明把自己的自行车借给朋友。(Lǐmíng bǎ zìjǐde zìxíngchējiè gěi péngyou.)

  1. 主语 + 把 + 名词 + 动词 + 给 + 某人 (Subject + Bǎ + Noun + Verb + Gěi + Person):

This structure indicates that the subject performs an action that transfers the object to a recipient.


我给他送了一本书 (wǒ gěi tā sòng le yī běn shū) – I gave him a book.

他把礼物送给了朋友 (tā bǎ lǐwù sòng gěi le péngyou) – He gave the gift to his friend.

我把苹果给妈妈。(Wǒ bǎ píngguǒ gěi māma.)

老师把试卷给学生们。(Lǎoshī bǎ shìjuàn gěi xuéshengmen.)

张三把自行车给弟弟骑。(Zhāngsān bǎ zìxíngchē gěi dìdi qí.)

李明把糖果给妹妹吃。(Lǐmíng bǎ tángguǒ gěi mèimei chī.)

女孩把花送给男朋友。(Nǚhái bǎ huā sòng gěi nánpéngyou.)

工人把水果分给大家。(Gōngrén bǎ shuǐguǒ fēn gěi dàjiā.)

销售员把商品推荐给客户。(Xiāoshòuyuán bǎ shāngpǐn tuījiàn gěi kèhù.)

医生把药物开给患者。(Yīshēng bǎ yàowù kāi gěi huànzhě.)

保安把钥匙交给住户。(Bǎo’ān bǎ yàoshi jiāo gěi zhùhù.)

同事把文件转发给领导。(Tóngshì bǎ wénjiàn zhuǎnfā gěi lǐngdǎo.)

  1. 主语 + 把 + 名词 + 动词 + 趋向补语 (Subject + Bǎ + Noun + Verb + Directional Complement):

This structure indicates that the subject performs an action that moves the object in a specific direction.


他把门关上了 (tā bǎ mén guānshàng le) – He closed the door.

我把书拿出来了 (wǒ bǎ shū ná chūlai le) – I took the book out.

妈妈把衣服洗干净。(Māma bǎ yīfu xǐ gānjìng.)

爸爸把车开回家。(Bàba bǎ chē kāi huí jiā.)

小明把书放进书包。(Xiǎomíng bǎ shū fàng jìn shūbāo.)

工人把砖头搬上楼。(Gōngrén bǎ zhuāntóu bān shàng lóu.)

老师把试卷批改完。(Lǎoshī bǎ shìjuàn pī gǎi wán.)

张三把自行车骑走了。(Zhāngsān bǎ zìxíngchē qí zǒu le.)

李华把垃圾清理干净。(Lǐhuá bǎ lājī qīnglǐ gānjìng.)

女孩把花插进花瓶里。(Nǚhái bǎ huā chā jìn huāpíng lǐ.)

同事把文件整理好。(Tóngshì bǎ wénjiàn zhěnglǐ hǎo.)

保安把门锁上了。(Bǎo’ān bǎ mén suǒ shàng le.)

  1. 主语 + 把 + 名词 + 动词 + 形容词 (Subject + Bǎ + Noun + Verb + Adjective):

This structure indicates that the subject performs an action that results in a certain state of the object.


他把房间打扫干净了 (tā bǎ fángjiān dǎsǎo gānjìng le) – He cleaned the room.

我把衣服洗干净了 (wǒ bǎ yīfu xǐ gānjìng le) – I washed the clothes clean.

妈妈把衣服洗干净。(Māma bǎ yīfu xǐ gānjìng.)

老师把试卷批改完整。(Lǎoshī bǎ shìjuàn pī gǎi wánzhěng.)

张三把自行车骑得很稳。(Zhāngsān bǎ zìxíngchē qí de hěn wěn.)

李明把房间收拾整洁。(Lǐmíng bǎ fángjiān shōushí zhěngjié.)

她把头发梳得很漂亮。(Tā bǎ tóufa shū de hěn piàoliang.)

工人把木头锯得很整齐。(Gōngrén bǎ mùtou jū de hěn zhěngjié.)

小红把蛋糕做得很美味。(Xiǎohóng bǎ dàngāo zuò de hěn měiweì.)

爸爸把汽车洗得很干净。(Bàba bǎ qìchē xǐ de hěn gānjìng.)

店员把商品摆得很有吸引力。(Diànyuán bǎ shāngpǐn bǎi de hěn yǒu xīyǐnlì.)

我把作业做得很认真。(Wǒ bǎ zuòyè zuò de hěn rènzhēn.)


“Bǎ” sentences are used to express actions that involve a direct object and a specific result.

“Bǎ” is essential for expressing a wide range of actions and manipulations in Chinese.

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