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汉语语法第三十六讲:复句类 (Fùjù Lèi) – Compound Sentences

语法 4个月前 (06-13) 浏览 113

Compound sentences consist of two or more clauses that are connected by conjunctions or punctuation marks. They express relationships between different ideas or events.

并列复句 (Bìngliè Fùjù) – Coordinate Sentences:

  1. 一边……,一边…… (Yībiān…, Yībiān…):

This structure indicates two actions happening simultaneously.


他一边吃饭,一边看电视 (tā yībiān chīfàn, yībiān kàn diànshì) – He was eating while watching TV.

她一边唱歌,一边跳舞 (tā yībiān chànggē, yībiān tiàowǔ) – She was singing while dancing.

因果复句 (Yīnguǒ Fùjù) – Causal Sentences:

  1. 因为……,所以…… (Yīnwèi…, Suǒyǐ…):

This structure expresses a cause-and-effect relationship.


因为下雨,所以我们不能去公园 (yīnwèi xià yǔ, suǒyǐ wǒmen bùnéng qù gōngyuán) – Because it’s raining, we can’t go to the park.

因为我生病了,所以今天没有去上班 (yīnwèi wǒ shēngbìng le, suǒyǐ jīntiān méiyǒu qù shàngbān) – Because I was sick, I didn’t go to work today.

  1. 既然……,就…… (Jìrán…, Jiù…):

This structure expresses a cause and a consequent action, implying a logical connection between the two clauses.


既然你来了,就一起吃饭吧 (jìrán nǐ lái le, jiù yīqǐ chīfàn ba) – Since you are here, let’s eat together.

既然你决定了,就不要再犹豫了 (jìrán nǐ juédìng le, jiù bù yào zài yóuyù le) – Since you’ve decided, don’t hesitate anymore.

承接复句 (Chéngjiē Fùjù) – Consecutive Sentences

  1. 先……,再/然后…… (Xiān…, Zài/Ránhòu…):

This structure indicates a sequence of actions or events.


先吃饭,再睡觉 (xiān chīfàn, zài shuìjiào) – Eat first, then sleep.

我先去超市,然后去图书馆 (wǒ xiān qù chāoshì, ránhòu qù túshūguǎn) – I will go to the supermarket first, then the library.

选择复句 (Xuǎnzé Fùjù) – Alternative Sentences

  1. 不是……,就是…… (Bùshì…, Jiùshì…):

This structure presents two or more possibilities, indicating that one of them must be true.


不是他来的,就是她来的 (bùshì tā lái de, jiùshì tā lái de) – Either he came or she came.

不是今天去,就是明天去 (bùshì jīntiān qù, jiùshì míngtiān qù) – We will go either today or tomorrow.

  1. 宁可……,也…… (Nìngkě…, Yě…):

This structure expresses a strong preference for one option over another, even if it involves a sacrifice.


宁可辛苦一点,也要把工作做好 (nìngkě xīnkǔ yīdiǎn, yě yào bǎ gōngzuò zuò hǎo) – I’d rather work hard than do the work poorly.

我宁可步行,也不愿意坐公交车 (wǒ nìngkě bùxíng, yě bù yuànyì zuò gōngjiāoche) – I’d rather walk than take the bus.

假设复句 (Jiǎshè Fùjù) – Hypothetical Sentences

  1. 如果(要是)……,就…… (Rúguǒ (Yàoshi)…, Jiù…):

This structure expresses a conditional statement, indicating a consequence if a certain condition is met.


如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园 (rúguǒ míngtiān bù xià yǔ, wǒmen jiù qù gōngyuán) – If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.

要是你生病了,就应该去看医生 (yàoshi nǐ shēngbìng le, jiù yīnggāi qù kàn yīshēng) – If you are sick, you should see a doctor.

递进复句 (Dìjìn Fùjù) – Gradational Sentences

  1. 不但……,而且…… (Bùdàn…, Érqiě…):

This structure indicates that something is not only true, but also something else, often implying an intensification or expansion of the first statement.


他不但学习成绩好,而且人品也很好 (tā bùdàn xuéxí chéngjì hǎo, érqiě rénpǐn yě hěn hǎo) – He is not only good at studies, but he also has good character.

她不但漂亮,而且性格也很好 (tā bùdàn piàoliang, érqiě xìnggé yě hěn hǎo) – She is not only beautiful, but she also has a good personality.

条件复句 (Tiáojiàn Fùjù) – Conditional Sentences

  1. 无论……,都…… (Wúlùn…, Dōu…):

This structure expresses a condition that holds true regardless of circumstances.


无论你做什么,都要努力 (wúlùn nǐ zuò shénme, dōu yào nǔlì) – No matter what you do, you should work hard.

无论天气怎么样,我们都要去郊游 (wúlùn tiānqì zěnmeyang, wǒmen dōu yào qù jiāoyóu) – Regardless of the weather, we will go on an outing.

让步复句 (Ràngbù Fùjù) – Concessive Sentences

  1. 即使……,也…… (Jíshǐ…, Yě…):

This structure expresses that something is true even if another condition is present. It concedes a point before presenting a counter-argument or a different conclusion.


即使你很累,也要坚持下去 (jíshǐ nǐ hěn lèi, yě yào jiānchí xiàqù) – Even if you are tired, you should keep going.

即使他很聪明,也不一定能成功 (jíshǐ tā hěn cōngming, yě bù yīdìng néng chénggōng) – Even if he is very smart, he may not necessarily succeed.

转折复句 (Zhuǎnzhe Fùjù) – Concessive Sentences

  1. 虽然……,但是…… (Suīrán…, Dànshì…):

This structure presents a contrast or contradiction between two clauses. It acknowledges a point but then introduces a different or opposing idea.


虽然他很努力,但是成绩还是不太好 (suīrán tā hěn nǔlì, dànshì chéngjì hái shì bù tài hǎo) – Although he works very hard, his grades are still not very good.

虽然天气很冷,但是我们还是要出去散步 (suīrán tiānqì hěn lěng, dànshì wǒmen hái shì yào chūqù sànbù) – Although it is very cold, we still need to go for a walk.

紧缩复句 (Jǐnsuō Fùjù) – Elliptical Sentences

  1. ……了……(就)…… (… Le … (Jiù)…):

This structure is a shortened form of a conditional sentence. It omits the “如果” (rúguǒ) – “if” and often uses “就” (jiù) – “then” to indicate the consequence.


他饿了就吃饭 (tā è le jiù chīfàn) – If he is hungry, he eats.

你累了就休息 (nǐ lèi le jiù xiūxi) – If you are tired, you rest.

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