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汉语语法第二十七讲:主谓谓语句 (Zhǔwèiwèijùjù) – Subject-Verb-Verb Sentences

语法 4个月前 (06-13) 浏览 70

In Chinese grammar, the basic sentence structure follows the pattern of “Subject + Verb + Object” (SVO), which is similar to the sentence structure in many other languages, including English. The subject of a sentence refers to the person, place, thing, or idea that is performing the action or being described by the verb. The verb is the word that expresses the action, state, or condition of the subject.

The combination of a subject and a verb forms a subject-verb phrase (主谓短语), which is the core of a Chinese sentence. It conveys the essential meaning of the sentence and establishes the relationship between the subject and the action or state being described.

Structure of Subject-Verb Phrases

A subject-verb phrase in Chinese typically consists of two main components:

  1. Subject (主语): The subject can be a noun, pronoun, noun phrase, or noun clause. It usually precedes the verb.
  1. Verb (谓语): The verb can be a single verb, a verb-object combination, or a verb phrase. It follows the subject.

Examples of Subject-Verb Phrases

Here are 10 examples of subject-verb phrases in Chinese along with their English translations:

Example 1:

Chinese: 我  你。 (Wǒ ài nǐ.)

English: I love you.


  • Subject: 我 (Wǒ) – I
  • Verb: 爱 (ài) – love

Example 2:

Chinese: 他  饭。 (Tā chī fàn.)

English: He eats rice.


  • Subject: 他 (Tā) – he
  • Verb: 吃 (chī) – eat

Example 3:

Chinese: 这本书  有趣。 (Zhè běn shū hěn yǒuqù.)

English: This book is very interesting


  • Subject: 这本书 (Zhè běn shū) – this book
  • Verb: 很有趣 (hěn yǒuqù) – is very interesting

Example 4:

Chinese: 小猫   玩具。 (Xiǎomāo zài wán wánjù.)

English: The kitten is playing toys.


  • Subject: 小猫 (Xiǎomāo) – the kitten
  • Verb: 在玩玩具 (zài wán wánjù) – is playing toys

Example 5:

Chinese: 学生们 正在 学习 汉语。 (Xuéshēngmen zhèngzài xuéxí Hànyǔ.)

English: The students are learning Chinese.


  • Subject: 学生们 (Xuéshēngmen) – the students
  • Verb: 正在学习汉语 (zhèngzài xuéxí Hànyǔ) – are learning Chinese

Example 6:

Chinese: 老师 讲解 了 语法 规则。 (Lǎoshī jiǎngjiě le yǔfǎ guīzé.)

English: The teacher explained the grammar rules.


  • Subject: 老师 (Lǎoshī) – the teacher
  • Verb: 讲解了语法规则 (jiǎngjiě le yǔfǎ guīzé) – explained the grammar rules

Example 7:

Chinese: 我们 应该 保护 环境。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎohù huánjìng.)

English: We should protect the environment.


  • Subject: 我们 (Wǒmen) – we
  • Verb: 应该保护环境 (yīnggāi bǎohù huánjìng) – should protect the environment

Example 8:

Chinese: 这部电影  感人。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng hěn gǎnrén.)

English: This movie is very touching.


  • Subject: 这部电影 (Zhè bù diànyǐng) – this movie
  • Verb: 很感人 (hěn gǎnrén) –

Example 9:

他叫我去吃饭 (tā jiào wǒ qù chīfàn) – He called me to go eat.

我想让你帮我 (wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐ bāng wǒ) – I want you to help me.

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