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汉语语法第二十八讲:连动句 (Liándòngjù) – Serial Verb Construction

语法 4个月前 (06-13) 浏览 80

In Chinese grammar, a serial verb construction (连动句), also known as a verb-verb phrase or double verb phrase, is a sentence structure that combines two or more verbs to express a single, continuous action or sequence of actions. The verbs in a serial verb construction are typically connected by a zero morpheme or a conjunction and do not share an object.

Structure of Serial Verb Constructions

A serial verb construction in Chinese typically consists of two main components:

1.Main Verb (主谓): The main verb is the primary action or state being expressed in the sentence. It is usually placed at the end of the construction.

2.Auxiliary Verb (连动): The auxiliary verb is a secondary verb that modifies or complements the meaning of the main verb. It can indicate the manner, purpose, or result of the main action.

Types of Serial Verb Constructions

There are two main types of serial verb constructions in Chinese:

1.Action-Action Serial Verbs: These constructions combine two action verbs to express a continuous or sequential action.

2.Action-State Serial Verbs: These constructions combine an action verb and a state verb to express the result or consequence of the action.

Examples of Serial Verb Constructions

Here are 10 examples of serial verb constructions in Chinese along with their English translations:

Example 1:

Chinese: 我  。 (Wǒ xiào le.)

English: I laughed.


  • Main Verb: 笑 (xiào) – laugh
  • Auxiliary Verb: 了 (le) – indicates completion of the action

Example 2:

Chinese: 他   屋子。 (Tā pǎo jìn wūzi.)

English: He ran into the house.


  • Main Verb: 跑 (pǎo) – run
  • Auxiliary Verb: 进 (jìn) – enter

Example 3:

Chinese: 她     桌子上。 (Tā bǎ shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng.)

English: She put the book on the table.


  • Main Verb: 放 (fàng) – put
  • Auxiliary Verb: 在 (zài) – indicate location

Example 4:

Chinese: 我们 决定  旅行。 (Wǒmen juédìng qù lǚxíng.)

English: We decided to travel.


  • Main Verb: 去 (qù) – go
  • Auxiliary Verb: 决定 (juédìng) – decide

Example 5:

Chinese: 孩子   睡着 了。 (Hái’zi kū zhe shuì zháo le.)

English: The child cried himself to sleep.


  • Main Verb: 睡着 (shuì zháo) – fall asleep
  • Auxiliary Verb: 着 (zhe) – indicates manner or state

Example 6:

Chinese: 他    。 (Tā bǎ mén guān jǐn.)

English: He closed the door tightly.


  • Main Verb: 关 (guān) – close
  • Auxiliary Verb: 紧 (jǐn) – indicates degree or intensity

Example 7:

Chinese: 我    很久。 (Wǒ děng le tā hěnjiǔ.)

English: I waited for him for a long time.


  • Main Verb: 等 (děng) – wait
  • Auxiliary Verb: 了 (le) – indicates completion of the action

Example 8:

Chinese: 她  衣服  干净 了。 (Tā bǎ yīfú xǐ gānjìng le.)

English: She washed the clothes clean.


  • Main Verb: 洗 (xǐ) – wash
  • Auxiliary Verb: 干净 (gānjìng) – indicates result or state


  1. 主语 + 动词短语 1 + 动词短语 2 (Subject + Verb Phrase 1 + Verb Phrase 2):

In Chinese grammar, the sentence structure “主语 + 动词短语 1 + 动词短语 2” (Subject + Verb Phrase 1 + Verb Phrase 2) is a complex sentence pattern that combines two verb phrases to express a more complex relationship between the subject and the actions or states being described. This structure is often used to convey a sequence of actions, a cause-and-effect relationship, or a contrast between two situations.

Structure of the Sentence Pattern

The sentence pattern “主语 + 动词短语 1 + 动词短语 2” consists of three main components:

1.Subject (主语): The subject of the sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is performing the actions or experiencing the states expressed by the verb phrases.

2.Verb Phrase 1 (动词短语 1): The first verb phrase expresses the primary action or state of the sentence. It can be a simple verb-object combination or a more complex verb phrase with adverbs or other modifiers.

3.Verb Phrase 2 (动词短语 2): The second verb phrase expresses a secondary action or state that is related to the first verb phrase. It can indicate the purpose, result, consequence, or contrast of the first action or state.

Types of Relationships between Verb Phrases

The relationship between the two verb phrases in this sentence pattern can be categorized into several types:

1.Sequence: The second verb phrase describes an action that occurs after or as a result of the first verb phrase.

2.Cause-and-Effect: The second verb phrase describes the consequence or effect of the first verb phrase.

3.Contrast: The second verb phrase contrasts with the first verb phrase, highlighting a difference in action, state, or outcome.

Examples of Subject + Verb Phrase 1 + Verb Phrase 2 Sentences

Example 1:

Chinese: 我 学习 汉语 是为了 更好地 了解 中国文化。 (Wǒ xuéxí Hànyǔ shì wèile gèng hǎo de liǎojie Zhōngguó wénhuà.)

English: I study Chinese in order to better understand Chinese culture.


  • Subject: 我 (Wǒ) – I
  • Verb Phrase 1: 学习汉语 (xuéxí Hànyǔ) – study Chinese
  • Verb Phrase 2: 是为了更好地了解中国文化 (shì wèile gèng hǎo de liǎojie Zhōngguó wénhuà) – is in order to better understand Chinese culture

Example 2:

Chinese: 他 努力 工作  最终 获得  成功。 (Tā nǔlì gōngzuò, zhōngjū huòdé le chénggōng.)

English: He worked hard and eventually achieved success.


  • Subject: 他 (Tā) – he
  • Verb Phrase 1: 努力工作 (nǔlì gōngzuò) – worked hard
  • Verb Phrase 2: 最终获得了成功 (zhōngjū huòdé le chénggōng) – eventually achieved success

Example 3:

Chinese: 这部电影  感人  让我   。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng hěn gǎnrén, ràng wǒ liú le lèi.)

English: This movie is very touching and made me cry.


  • Subject: 这部电影 (Zhè bù diànyǐng) – this movie
  • Verb Phrase 1: 很感人 (hěn gǎnrén) – is very touching

Verb Phrase 2: 让我   。 ( ràng wǒ liú le lèi.)-made me cry.

Example 4:

Chinese: 老师 讲解  语法规则  同学们  理解 。 (Lǎoshī jiǎngjiě le yǔfǎ guīzé, tóngxuésheng dou liǎojie le.)

English: The teacher explained the grammar rules and the students all understood.


  • Subject: 老师 (Lǎoshī) – the teacher
  • Verb Phrase 1: 讲解了语法规则 (jiǎngjiě le yǔfǎ guīzé) – explained the grammar rules
  • Verb Phrase 2: 同学们都理解了 (tóngxuésheng dou liǎojie le) – the students all understood

Example 5:

Chinese: 她   很多 礼物  准备 送给 朋友们。 (Tā mǎi le hěnduō lìwù, zhǔnbèi sàng gěi péngyoumen.)

English: She bought a lot of gifts and is preparing to give to her friends.


  • Subject: 她 (Tā) – she
  • Verb Phrase 1: 买了很多礼物 (mǎi le hěnduō lìwù) – bought a lot of gifts
  • Verb Phrase 2: 准备送给朋友们 (zhǔnbèi sàng gěi péngyoumen) – is preparing to give to her friends

Example 6:

Chinese: 天气 突然 变冷   我们 不得不 穿上 外套。 (Tiānqì tūrán biàn lěng le, wǒmen bùdébù chuān shang外套 (wài áo).)

English: The weather suddenly got cold and we had to put on jackets.


  • Subject: 天气 (Tiānqì) – the weather
  • Verb Phrase 1: 突然变冷了 (tūrán biàn lěng le) – suddenly got cold
  • Verb Phrase 2: 我们不得不穿上外套 (wǒmen bùdébù chuān shang wài áo) – we had to put on jackets

Example 7:

Chinese: 他 虽然  努力  但是 却没有 成功。 (Tā suīrán hěn nǔlì, dànshì méyóu chénggōng.)

English: He worked very hard but did not succeed.


  • Subject: 他 (Tā) – he
  • Verb Phrase 1: 虽然很努力 (suīrán hěn nǔlì) – worked very hard (literally: although very hard)
  • Verb Phrase 2: 但是却没有成功 (dànshì méyóu chénggōng) – but did not succeed

Example 8:

Chinese: 这本书 内容  丰富  值得 一读。 (Zhè běn shū nèiróng hěn fēngfù, zh đáng yī dú.)

English: This book has very rich content and is worth reading.


  • Subject: 这本书 (Zhè běn shū) – this book
  • Verb Phrase 1: 内容很丰富 (nèiróng hěn fēngfù) – has very rich content
  • Verb Phrase 2: 值得一读 (zh đáng yī dú) – is worth reading

Example 9:

Chinese: 我 发信息 给他  但他 没有 回复。 (Wǒ fā xìnxi gei tā, dànshì tā méyóu huífù.)

English: I sent a message to him but he did not reply.


  • Subject: 我 (Wǒ) – I
  • Verb Phrase 1: 发信息给他 (fā xìnxi gei tā) – sent a message to him

Verb Phrase 2: 但他 没有 回复。 (dànshì tā méyóu huífù.)-but he did not reply.

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