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Chinese Measure Words Explained (HSK 1-4)

语法 4个月前 (06-19) 浏览 354

本 běn:measure word for books

一本书 (yī běn shū): one book

一本字典 (yī běn zìdiǎn): one dictionary

一本杂志 (yī běn zázhì): one magazine

个 gè:measure word for people or objects

一个人 (yī gè rén): one person

三个书包  (sān gè shūbāo): three school bags

九个西瓜 (jiǔ gè xīguā): nine watermelons

块 kuài:measure word for pieces

一块蛋糕 (yī kuài dàngāo): one piece of cake

一块面包 (yī kuài miànbāo): one piece of bread

一块巧克力 (yī kuài qiǎokèlì): one piece of chocolate

岁 suì: years old

一岁 (yī suì): one year old

五岁 (wǔ suì): five years old

八岁 (bā suì): eight years old

些 xiē:a small amount or small number (greater than one)

一些钱 (yī xiē qián): some money

一些东西 (yī xiē dōngxi): some things

一些纸 (yī xiē zhǐ): some paper

一点儿 yīdiǎnr: a little; a bit; some

一点儿咖啡 (yīdiǎnr kāfēi): a little coffee

一点儿时间 (yīdiǎnr shíjiān): some time

一点儿水果 (yīdiǎnr shuǐguǒ): a bit of fruit

次 cì:measure word for how many times something happens

三次 (sān cì): three times

十次 (shí cì): ten times

一百次 (yī bǎi cì): one hundred times

件 jiàn:measure word for clothes, events, things, etc.

一件毛衣 (yī jiàn máoyī): one sweater

一件事 (yī jiàn shì): one matter

一件东西 (yī jiàn dōngxi): one thing

一下 yīxià: [after a verb] quickly, briefly, casually

看一下 (kàn yīxià): take a quick look

听一下 (tīng yīxià): listen briefly

摸一下 (mō yīxià): touch briefly

把 bǎ:measure word for things with a handle

一把伞 (yī bǎ sǎn): one umbrella

一把刀 (yī bǎ dāo): one knife

一把扇子 (yī bǎ shànzi): one fan

层 céng:measure word for floor, level of a building, layers

八层楼 (bā céng lóu): eight floors

十层楼 (shí céng lóu): ten floors

五层奶油 (wǔ céng nǎiyóu): five layers of cream

段 duàn:measure word for for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc

五段故事 (wǔ duàn gùshì): five stories

一段时间 (yī duàn shíjiān): a period of time

三段线 (sān duàn xiàn): three segments of a line

分 fēn:a unit of money (equal to 1/100 yuan), minute (unit of time), point (in sports or games or exams)

九元九角九分 (jiǔ yuán jiǔ jiǎo jiǔ fēn): 9.99 yuan

一小时二十分 (yī xiǎoshí èrshí fēn): one hour and twenty minutes

一百分 (yī bǎi fēn): one hundred points

公斤 gōngjīn: kilogram (kg)

三公斤 (sān gōngjīn): three kilograms

八公斤 (bā gōngjīn): eight kilograms

五十公斤 (wǔshí gōngjīn): fifty kilograms

角 jiǎo:unit of money (equal to 1/10 yuan)

三元六角 (sān yuán liù jiǎo): 3.60 yuan

七元八角 (qī yuán bā jiǎo): 7.80 yuan

十元三角 (shí yuán sān jiǎo): 10.30 yuan

刻 kè:quarter (of an hour)

一刻 (yī kè): a quarter

一点三刻 (yī diǎn sān kè): three quarters past one (1:45)

六点一刻 (liù diǎn yī kè): a quarter past six (6:15)

口 kǒu:measure word for bites of food or people in a household

吃一口蛋糕 (chī yī kǒu dàngāo): take a bite of cake

吃三口饭 (chī sān kǒu fàn): eat three mouthfuls of rice

一家四口 (yī jiā sì kǒu): a family of four

辆 liàng:measure word for vehicles

一辆自行车 (yī liàng zìxíngchē): one bicycle

一辆火车 (yī liàng huǒchē): one train

一辆地铁 (yī liàng dìtiě): one subway

双 shuāng:measure word for pairs of things

一双鞋子 (yī shuāng xiézi): one pair of shoes

一双袜子 (yī shuāng wàzi): one pair of socks

一双耳环 (yī shuāng ěrhuán): one pair of earrings

条 tiáo:measure word for long, narrow or thin objects,a long article of clothing

一条路 (yī tiáo lù): one road

三条鱼 (sān tiáo yú): three fish

一条围巾 (yī tiáo wéijīn): one scarf

碗 wǎn: measure word for bowls of something

一碗米饭 (yī wǎn mǐfàn): one bowl of rice

三碗面条 (sān wǎn miàntiáo): three bowls of noodles

十碗汤 (shí wǎn tāng): ten bowls of soup

位 wèi:polite measure word for people

一位老师 (yī wèi lǎoshī): one teacher

三位医生 (sān wèi yīshēng): three doctors

七位客人 (qī wèi kèrén): seven guests

元 yuán:measure word for currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan)

十元 (shí yuán): ten yuan

五百元 (wǔ bǎi yuán): five hundred yuan

三千元 (sān qiān yuán): three thousand yuan

张 zhāng:measure word for flat objects, sheets 

一张纸 (yī zhāng zhǐ): one sheet of paper

八张票 (bā zhāng piào): eight tickets

三张表 (sān zhāng biǎo): three tables

只 zhī:measure word for birds and certain animals

一只鸟 (yī zhī niǎo): one bird

一只猫 (yī zhī māo): one cat

一只兔子 (yī zhī tùzi): one rabbit

种 zhǒng: measure word for types, kinds, sorts

一种语言 (yī zhǒng yǔyán): one type of language

三种动物 (sān zhǒng dòngwù): three kinds of animals

一百种细菌 (yī bǎi zhǒng xìjūn): one hundred types of bacteria

倍 bèi:times (the amount), (two, three etc)-fold

四倍 (sì bèi): four times

五倍 (wǔ bèi): five times

一百倍 (yī bǎi bèi): one hundred times

遍 biàn:time(s) – measure word for counting actions from start to finish

这本书我看了三遍。 (zhè běn shū wǒ kàn le sān biàn.): I have read this book three times.

这部电影我看了五遍 。(zhè bù diànyǐng wǒ kàn le wǔ biàn.): I have watched this movie five times.

这首歌他唱了十遍。 (zhè shǒu gē tā chàng le shí biàn.): He has sung this song ten times.

场 cháng:measure word for sports or entertainment events

一场足球赛 (yī chǎng zúqiú sài): one football match

八场篮球赛 (bā chǎng lánqiú sài): eight basketball games

五场演唱会 (wǔ chǎng yǎnchànghuì): five concerts

份 fèn:a portion, a copy, a set, measure word for gifts, newspapers, magazines, papers, reports, contracts etc 

一份饺子 (yī fèn jiǎozi): one portion of dumplings

四份礼物 (sì fèn lǐwù): four gifts

三份合同 (sān fèn hétong): three contracts

公里 gōnglǐ:kilometer

五公里 (wǔ gōnglǐ): five kilometers

九公里 (jiǔ gōnglǐ): nine kilometers

十公里 (shí gōnglǐ): ten kilometers

节 jié:measure word for segments: lessons, train carriages, biblical verses etc

一节汉语课 (yī jié hànyǔ kè): one Chinese language class

六节瑜伽课 (liù jié yújiā kè): six yoga classes

十节火车车厢 (shí jié huǒchē chēxiāng): ten train carriages

棵 kē:measure word for trees or other large plants

一棵树 (yī kē shù): one tree

三棵圣诞树 (sān kē shèngdàn shù): three Christmas trees

十棵苹果树 (shí kē píngguǒ shù): ten apple trees

秒 miǎo:second (unit of time)

一秒 (yī miǎo): one second

十秒 (shí miǎo): ten seconds

五分三秒 (wǔ fēn sān miǎo): five minutes and three seconds

篇 piān:measure word for essays and other written pieces (chapter, article)

一篇作文 (yī piān zuòwén): one essay

两篇文章 (liǎng piān wénzhāng): two articles

三篇新闻稿 (sān piān xīnwén gǎo): three press releases

台 tái:measure word for machines or vehicles

一台电视 (yī tái diànshì): one television

九台电脑 (jiǔ tái diànnǎo): nine computers

一百台车 (yī bǎi tái chē): one hundred cars

趟 tàng:time(s) – measure word used for round trips

一趟旅行 (yī tàng lǚxíng): one trip

他去了一趟上海 。(tā qù le yī tàng Shànghǎi.): He went to Shanghai once.

她去年去了三趟中国。 (tā qùnián qù le sān tàng Zhōngguó.): She went to China three times last year.

页 yè:page

十页 (shí yè): ten pages

五百页 (wǔ bǎi yè): five hundred pages

一千页 (yī qiān yè): one thousand pages

座 zuò:measure word for bridges, mountains, buildings, cities

三座桥 (sān zuò qiáo): three bridges

六座山 (liù zuò shān): six mountains

五座城市 (wǔ zuò chéngshì): five cities

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