雪下个不停,(Xuě xià gè bùtíng,)
- The snow kept falling,
一连下了好几天。(yī lián xià le hǎo jǐ tiān.)
- For many days.
有一天天晴了,(Yǒu yītiān tiān qíng le,)
- One day, the sky cleared up,
兔妈妈要出门去。(tù māma yào chūmén qù.)
- Mother Rabbit needed to go out.
小白兔嚷嚷说,(Xiǎobái tù rǎngrang shuō,)
- Little White Rabbit shouted,
- "Mama, Mama,
我也要去。“(wǒ yě yào qù.)”
- I want to go too."
兔妈妈说,“好孩子,(Tù māma shuō, ”Hǎo háizi,)
- Mother Rabbit said, "Good child,
妈妈有事,(māma yǒu shì,)
- Mama has things to do,
你不能跟着去。“(nǐ bùnéng gēnzhe qù.)”
- You cannot go with me."
于是兔妈妈给小白兔堆了个雪孩子,(Yúshì tù māma gěi xiǎobái tù duī le gè xuě háizi,)
- So Mother Rabbit built a snow child for Little White Rabbit,
小白兔有了小伙伴,(xiǎobái tù yǒu le xiǎo huǒbàn,)
- And Little White Rabbit had a new friend,
心里别提多高兴了,(xīnli biétí duō gāoxìng le,)
- He couldn't be happier,
就不跟着妈妈去了。(jiù bù gēnzhe māma qù le.)
- And didn't follow Mother Rabbit anymore.
小白兔跳舞给雪孩子看,(Xiǎobái tù tiàowǔ gěi xuě háizi kàn,)
- Little White Rabbit danced for the snow child to see,
唱歌给雪孩子听。(chànggē gěi xuě háizi tīng.)
- He sang for the snow child to hear.
他玩累了,(Tā wán lèile,)
- When he was tired from playing,
就回家去睡午觉。(jiù huí jiā qù shuì wǔjiào.)
- He went home for a nap.
房子里真冷,(Fángzi lǐ zhēn lěng,)
- The house was so cold,
赶快往火堆里添把柴。(gǎnkuài wǎng huǒduī lǐ tiān bǎ chái.)
- He quickly added wood to the fire.
小白兔添了柴,(Xiǎobái tù tiān le chái,)
- Little White Rabbit added wood,
把火烧得旺旺的。(bǎ huǒ shāo de wàngwàng de.)
- Making the fire burn brightly.
屋子里一下就暖和了。(Wūzi lǐ yīxià jiù nuǎnhuo le.)
- The house quickly became warm.
它躺在床上,(Tā tǎng zài chuángshang,)
- He lay on the bed,
合上眼睛,(héshàng yǎnjīng,)
- Closed his eyes,
一会就睡着了。(yīhuì jiù shuìzháo le.)
- And quickly fell asleep.
火越烧越旺,(Huǒ yuè shāo yuè wàng,)
- The fire burned brighter and brighter,
哎呀,火把旁边的柴堆烧着了。(āiyā, huǒ bǎ pángbiān de cháiduī shāozháo le.)
- Oh no, the woodpile next to the fire caught fire!
可是小白兔睡得正甜,(Kěshì xiǎobái tù shuì de zhèng tián,)
- But Little White Rabbit was sleeping soundly,
他一点也不知道。(tā yīdiǎn yě bù zhīdào.)
- He didn't know anything about it.
“不好了,小白兔家着火了!”(Bù hǎole, xiǎobái tù jiā zháo huǒ le!“)
- "Not good, Little White Rabbit's house is on fire!"
雪孩子看见小白兔家的窗子里,(Xuě háizi kànjiàn xiǎobái tù jiā de chuāngzi lǐ,)
- The snow child saw through Little White Rabbit's window,
冒出了黑烟,(mào chū le hēi yān,)
- Black smoke rising,
还冒出火星。(hái mào chū huǒxīng.)
- And sparks flying out.
他一边喊,(Tā yībiān hǎn,)
- He shouted,
一边向着小白兔家跑去。(yībiān xiàngzhe xiǎobái tù jiā pǎo qù.)
- While running towards Little White Rabbit's house.
“小白兔,小白兔,(Xiǎobái tù, xiǎobái tù,)
- "Little White Rabbit, Little White Rabbit,
你在哪里?“(nǐ zài nǎlǐ?)” - Where are you?"
雪孩子冲进屋子里去,(Xuě háizi chōng jìn wūzi lǐ qù,)
- The snow child rushed into the house,
冒着呛人的烟,(màozhe qiàngrén de yān,)
- Braving the choking smoke,
烫人的火,(tàngrén de huǒ,)
- And the burning fire,
找啊找啊,(zhǎo a zhǎo a,)
- Searching and searching,
终于找到小白兔了。(zhōngyú zhǎodào xiǎobái tù le.)
- He finally found Little White Rabbit.
就连忙把小白兔抱起来,(Jiù liánmáng bǎ xiǎobái tù bào qǐlái,)
- He quickly picked up Little White Rabbit,
跑出屋子去。(pǎo chū wūzi qù.)
- And ran out of the house.
小白兔得救了,(Xiǎobái tù déjiù le,)
- Little White Rabbit was saved,
可是雪孩子融化了,(kěshì xuě háizi rónghuà le,)
- But the snow child melted,
浑身水淋淋的。(húnshēn shuǐ línlín de.)
- Soaked from head to toe.
这时候,(Zhè shíhòu,)
- At that moment,
树林子里的小猴子小刺猬都赶来救火。(shùlínzi lǐ de xiǎo hóuzi xiǎo cìwei dōu gǎnlái jiù huǒ.)
- The little monkey and hedgehog from the forest came to help put out the fire.
不一会就把火扑灭了。(bù yīhuì jiù bǎ huǒ pūmiè le.)
- Soon, the fire was extinguished.
兔妈妈回来说,(Tù māma huílái shuō,)
- Mother Rabbit came back and said,
“谢谢大家来救火,(xièxie dàjiā lái jiù huǒ,)
- "Thank you all for coming to help put out the fire,
谢谢大家了。“(xièxie dàjiā le.)”
- Thank you all."
小猴子小刺猬他们说,(Xiǎo hóuzi xiǎo cìwei tāmen shuō,)
- The little monkey and hedgehog said,
“是谁救了小白兔啊?(shì shéi jiù le xiǎobái tù a?)
- "Who saved Little White Rabbit?
真应该好好的谢谢他。“(zhēn yīnggāi hǎohāo de xièxie tā.)”
- We should really thank him properly."
“是谁救了小白兔呢?”(Shì shéi jiù le xiǎobái tù ne?)
- "Who saved Little White Rabbit?"
“是雪孩子。“(Shì xuě háizi.)
- "It was the snow child."
可是雪孩子不见了,(Kěshì xuě háizi bùjiàn le,)
- But the snow child was gone,
他已经化成水了。(tā yǐjīng huà chéng shuǐ le.)
- He had already melted into water.
“不,雪孩子还在呢!”(Bù, xuě háizi hái zài ne!)
- "No, the snow child is still here!"
瞧,太阳晒着晒着,(Qiáo, tàiyáng shài zhe shài zhe,)
- Look, as the sun shines,
他就变成很清很清的水汽,(tā jiù biànchéng hěn qīng hěn qīng de shuǐqì,)
- He became a very light and clear vapor,
飞呀飞呀,(fēi ya fēi ya,)
- Flying and flying,
飞到天空里去,(fēi dào tiānkōng lǐ qù,)
- Up into the sky,
变成了一朵白云,(biànchéng le yī duǒ báiyún,)
- Became a white cloud,
一朵美丽的白云。(yī duǒ měilì de báiyún.)
- A beautiful white cloud.